Here is a summary of the responses to the first question on the game development needs survey I put out. I had 10 responses total.

Question: What are some of the things you want to accomplish this year as a game developer? Some examples: “I would like to publish four polished platformer games and have them reach the top ten of the iTunes App Store.” “I would like to secure funding for one of my games.” Feel free to list as many goals as you’d like; where possible, separate into different paragraphs.What are some of the things you want to accomplish this year as a game developer? 

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Tabithe’s second outfit in the story Rainfall is described as an orange jumpsuit with three quarter lace sleeves. She wears thick orange bracelets, paired with thin gold and pearl bracelets, and tangerine-jeweled slave anklets/barefoot sandals. Under the cut you’ll find some images that are a pretty good real-life representation of the outfit. Check it out!

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She’s about to start crying.

This is always the awkward part. I’m never quite sure what to do. She’s sitting at the edge of the bed, still in her nightgown. She’s picking at the cuticles of her nails, but she’s looking dead at me. Tears have brimmed up on the bottom lid of her eyes. They’re a soft brown color, like when autumn has just broken into its full bloom, but long before it starts to die out. Her dark brown hair is disheveled around her shoulders, and she has her toes scrunched up in the rug.

It’s just past one in the morning. She woke up because she heard the door creak.

Her name is Isabella.

She’s just realized that she’s about to become a one night stand.

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WARNING. This is a quick ramble. I want to get this out here and cataloged so I can see it later.

When I write, I get very caught up in imagery from music. I just discovered “High Hopes in Velvet Ropes”, by The Cab, and it personifies one of my characters, Tethys, perfectly. But I’m a very situational, dialogue driven writer. Right now I’m writing out the scene based on just the dialogue alone. THis is my writing exercise for tonight. This is how I’ve always been organized, I think. I write and then expand outward. I started out doing my serious writing through doing screenplays of what my little TV series was going to be for one of my concepts. Then I started to branch out into fanfiction with more prose.

I’m going to go back to writing, but I really wanted to try and get that out there. Will be working on some Matters of the Heart stuff tonight, and then finalizing some plans for an event I’m trying to throw for Halloween/

I’m sorry that I haven’t posted much. I don’t think anyone really reads this as it is, but I’ll apologize to those of you who do as it may be. I’ve been really busy working. My life has kept me busy, as well as my ambitions. I’ve worked almost every day save yesterday (Saturday) and I’m working again today at 5 at a trivia event. I’ve been busy trying to get back into classes so that I can finish my degree, and working toward a goal of staying in Japan for six months next year. There’s also been a LOT of streamlining going on.

What do I mean by that? I mean that I’m taking a lot of the things that I’ve been wanting to do – hopes, desires, passions – and keeping them in one place, trying to narrow down my focuses to what I can be most effective at doing. I’ve been looking into things that would let me transform into Miss 1099 – the female worker who decides her own future – and making goals for how to accomplish that. I got the end points finished, and now it’s just putting down the goals, methods to achieve them, and the milestones.

I’ve been feeling lately like I’m trying to do too much, but now I’m wondering if it’s just that I haven’t really started implementing the ways to make money from the things that I want to do. If I can start doing that, then I’ll start generating replacement income and stop feeling so obligated toward my 9 to 5. And once I become confident in my path and my goals, I’ll be unstoppable.

Chilling out with Kitty before I head out to do grocery shopping. When I get back, I’m going to make my curtains for my bathroom and possibly even the ones for my bedroom. Still trying to decide on a theme. Then it’s writing and week planning. I’m finding that I have to give Future Tearyne instructions on what to do because otherwise she gets distracted.

I’ve drafted up a new list of goals for 2012, and honestly, I’m appalled at how many of them are repeats from previous years. I am going to commit 150% this year to completing them.

I’m also working on improving my style/fashion and my quality of life. At the top of that list is fighting off this clutter issue I’ve got. It’s hard to throw things out, but then again, not so much once I’ve realize what I am gaining for getting rid of those things.

One of the hardest things to fight is losing my artistic nature to my desire to live comfortably. It’s a big huge balancing act. I just have to not get seduced too hard toward money.

This is a 12:30 week, which means I gain and extra hour in the mornings before I have to go to work. I can use that to write, research, things like that.

One thing that I realized last night, debating online piracy with an acquaintance, is that we sacrifice our precious hours of the day for so many things that might not be worth our time. He was griping that not everyone can afford a $60 video game. My retort to that was this: if you can’t afford that $60 video game, how then can you afford the 20/30+ hours that you would be devoting to playing that game that you could be spending improving yourself and your life situation? You can use that time instead to enrich yourself to be able to afford that game, in my opinion.

Lastly, I’m really into hijab fashion, and I don’t know why.

Working on work stuff, a degree. Finishing some short stories. Should have something published here soon. Sorry for the brevity. I’ve gained weight and am working on losing that. A lot of what’s going on right now is financial crunching and obliterating.

And happy new year. I’ll be 25 this year.